Lady Midrash
Poems Reclaiming the Voices of Biblical Women 


What if the women of the Bible told their own stories? Lady Midrash: Poems Reclaiming the Voices of Biblical Women brings to life alternative interpretations and forgotten female perspectives from the Hebrew Bible and New Testament. Following in the footsteps of Jewish midrash, a storytelling tradition that explores the gaps in scripture, these poems re-examine the experiences of Biblical women. Sidelined heroines are celebrated. Supposed villainesses get to speak for themselves. Lady Midrash reverses convention, probes familiar narratives, attends to small moments, highlights peripheral and silent characters, and names the nameless. The imagination of midrash provides the reader with a creative space to rethink assumptions and reconsider the accounts of women in the Jewish and Christian traditions.

Praise for Lady Midrash

"Poet and biblical scholar Elisabeth Greene has done the nearly impossible in her portrayals of women in scripture, virtually bringing them alive and letting us hear their unique voices by skillfully turning her scholarship into beautiful poetry." Christian Feminism Today

"In this accessible collection, Greene gives voices to women in the Bible who have been silenced for too long. Greene's well-informed poems bear witness to the ways women have contributed to God's grand story, while also challenging readers to see the Bible in all its complexities. Reading these poems has deepened my appreciation for scripture and for the women whose lives are inscribed there." — Melanie Springer Mock, Professor, George Fox University

"Greene simultaneously upholds the importance of the scriptural stories in continuing to offer meaning to spiritual seekers today, as well as a willingness to question, dig deep, seek after and find God, and grow in one’s faith through tenacity, hope, creativity, birth, prophecy, grace, wisdom, and friendship." —
Cherice Bock

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